Foster care evangelism
As an agency contracted to train and support foster parents, Agape understands our role in resolving this crisis. We are also firm believers that every family in the community can be a part of the solution, which is why we want to share the good news (good tidings!) that every Arizonan can help build strong family systems within their local communities.
We believe the best way to solve the foster care crisis is to prevent the instances of abuse and neglect which tend to lead to child removal. The good news is that YOU can make a difference in this area. Here are some ideas to help you get started:

2. Call your local state legislators and ask them to enhance funding and support in-home services and prevention and family support.
3. Become a mentor to a stressed mommy or daddy.
4. Offer to babysit for a family you know needs a “date night.”
6. Share information about parenting classes with families who need help raising children who have challenging behaviors. FYI: Agape offers several parenting classes each month!
7. Encourage birth mothers experiencing crisis pregnancies to find out more about open adoption as an option. FYI: Agape has a strong private adoption program which promotes open adoption as the best adoption option.
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If you are interested in becoming a foster or adoptive parent, we would be honored to support you on this journey. To learn more about upcoming parenting classes, foster care classes, the home study process or adoption options, contact us by completing the form below or call (480) 272-7994.
If you have ideas for spreading the GOOD NEWS about how prevention and awareness efforts like Foster Care EvANGELism can make a positive difference in creating strong family systems within local communities, please share them with us at, so we can share them with others. Together, we can make a difference for Arizona’s children!