We know that “every good and perfect gift comes from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows” (James 1:17, NIV).

What an excellent Bible verse to share with your precious foster child. You might even consider memorizing it with them! Helping them understand that anything good in their lives comes from God is vital for children all too familiar with “shifting shadows.”

Whether your foster child’s time with you is several months or years, God can use you to engrave some spiritual truths on their soul. Watch for teachable moments to assure them of God’s good gifts to them—and your love for them, no matter their circumstances or what the future holds.

Another way to make a long-lasting mark on your foster child is to present a memorable gift they can treasure forever. Here are some ideas:

  1. Give him a pocket watch. Surprise your foster child with a personalized pocket watch. Get it engraved with his name and birthday and a specially chosen Scripture.When you present it, you could tell the boy that God makes all things beautiful in His time, as Ecclesiastes 3:11 says. Tell him that the time you get to spend with him is priceless. And tell him you’re certain he was gifted to you for this season, for God’s reasons. If you’ve experienced God’s comfort and protection during a difficult time, explain that to your foster child. Encourage them by saying that God can give them strength to get through their situation too.

  3. Give her a locket. Identify a life verse that fits your foster child and get it engraved on a locket pendant, along with her name and birthdate. Perhaps she loves to sing and play piano. If so, you might choose Zephaniah 3:17. “The Lord your God … will take delight in you…. With his love, he will calm all your fears. He will rejoice over you with joyful songs” (NLT). Also, you could put a picture inside of her with you!When you present the locket, take her on a dinner date or a picnic and pray God’s blessing and identity over her. Tell her how grateful you are to have her in your life. Build up aspects of the identity she can have through Christ. You could also tell her that having her in your life teaches you new things about your God-identity every day.

  5. Give him or her a heated blanket or one that’s warm and personalized with pictures. It’s easy to order one of these online from a personalized-merchandise vendor. You could include photos of fun times together. When you present it, talk about the warmth of the Father’s love for your foster child. Later, you might make some popcorn, grab your own blanket, and cuddle up to watch a favorite movie that portrays God’s love.

  7. Give your child a Bible engraved with their name on the front. On the inside, inscribe the date, their name, and your name. And add a special verse, like Proverbs 3:5-6 or one mentioned above.Invite your child to bring the Bible and join you at a special place you go to meet with God. Tell them that you read your Bible and pray to God, and why you do.You could also take your Bibles, some highlighters, journals, and pens and go outside to enjoy God’s stunning creation. First, look up at the sky together, then read Psalm 19:1 and Romans 1:19. Use these verses to show that the heavens declare God’s glory and that His creation reveals His character and power. Next, have the child highlight Psalm 139:13-16 to emphasize that God created them! Wrap up this special time by challenging your foster child to write in their journal something they learned from the Bible.

Implementing one or more of these ideas may create memories that your foster child will cherish for years to come.

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