Crisis Pregnancy Services

Arizona Crisis Pregnancy Centers

When you are facing an unplanned pregnancy, you may feel overwhelmed, frightened, or confused about what to do next. Who can you tell? What are your choices? What if you’re not ready or able to parent the child you’re carrying?

Whatever you decide, it will affect your life and that of your baby forever. You are about to make one of the most important and difficult decisions of your life and our Arizona Crisis Pregnancy Centers are here to help.

If you:
• Are concerned about how your pregnancy may affect your future
• Need information about your options
• Need financial assistance with your expenses during your pregnancy
• Want facts about resources available to you
• Want to talk to someone you can trust – someone you understands your feelings…

The professional, experienced Support staff at one of our Arizona Crisis Pregnancy Centers will help you face your pregnancy and support you through it.

Ask us if you need support in talking to your family and the birth father, assistance with medical and living arrangements, information about community resources, help in selecting an adoptive family, and follow up counseling after the baby is born, if desired.

Agape will help you review your choices and treat you with dignity and respect, and you are welcome to meet with me in our offices to get additional information about your choices.

How do I make this decision?
We’ll help you think of all your options, and the pros and cons of each of them. We are always here to listen and sort through your emotions so you are comfortable with the choice you make in the end. We can also provide you with counseling and give you referrals to other programs.
What if I am due really soon?

Don’t worry. No matter how much time we have before the baby comes we will make sure you receive support and feel comfortable throughout the process. We work with people at all stages of their pregnancy and some women even after they have delivered.

What Will This Cost Me?
No, there is never any cost to birth families. Most state laws allow the adoptive family to pay for pregnancy related expenses for the birth mothers a few months before delivery and one or two months after. This means any maternity clothes you need will be covered, along with the medical bills, as well as a few other expenses. Every state is different but we can help you figure out what is allowed and what isn’t.
What is Open Adoption?
Open adoption allows for some form of association between the birth parents, adoptees and adoptive parents.

Do I have to pick the family?
No. Some of our birth mothers don’t want to pick the family, and we are happy to do that for you if you want. We’ll ask you questions about yourself that help us narrow down who would be a good match for you.

Do I Need a Lawyer?
No. Agape’s attorneys will advise you of your legal rights. That being said, if you want a separate lawyer we will help get you one.

What is Semi-Open Adoption?
Semi-open adoption allows the birth parents to choose a family based upon non-identifying material provided by the agency. The agency mediates to contact between parties before and after the birth.

How Do I Pick A Good Family?
In order for us to present a family to you, they must go through a long background check, also called a home study. In the home study, we thoroughly examine the family’s personal history, medical history, criminal history and finances among other things. The adoptive parents are also required to take classes on parenting and adoption. Many birth mothers explain they simply fell in love with the family they chose and knew in their heart they were the right people to parent their child.

adoption after delivery?
If you’ve had your baby and are in the hospital, please call our Birth Parent Counselor at 480-823-3002 and we’ll be there within a few hours to help you make an adoption plan. We’re ready to help whether you’re pre-delivery or post.
What is closed adoption?
A closed adoption means there is no contact between birth parents and adoptive parents. The agency decides which adoptive family the child is placed with. The adoptive family receives information about the birth family’s medical/social history up until the time of placement. There is no planned, ongoing sharing of social or medical information after the adoption is finalized.

How Will i feel afterward?
Placing your child for adoption is a scary, stressful and very hard thing to do. You’ll feel sad – there is no way around it. Grieving is a normal process after placing your child, and we are here to support you, listen and help you cope with your emotions at this time. Many people find it helpful to go to counseling or talk to another birth mom who has been through a similar situation. Agape offers counseling services for birth families who want this type of service.

What are my next steps?
Step 1
Become familiar with what is involved in an adoption. Talk to your friends, family and Agape support team and get ready to take your next steps.

Step 2
Complete the social and medical history documents, and birth father identification affidavits. Due diligence efforts must be made to contact all possible birth fathers, notify them of their rights and gather their termination consents.

Step 3
Complete your formal Adoption Plan document, which identifies the type of adoptive parents you desire and how involved you want them to be in your pregnancy, labor and delivery.

Step 4
Select adoptive parents and participate in at least one mediated introductory meeting with them, if you desire.

Step 5
72 hours after labor and delivery, complete all required termination documentation with the Agape team and engage in post-adoption counseling.

Get The Help You Need

Fill out the form below to contact a member of our team to discuss your crisis pregnancy situation

Looking to help?

As a nonprofit organization, Agape is greatly helped by people just like you — sharing their time, talent, and support.


From throwing a party, to creative fundraising, to helping train a community—there are many ways to make a difference for children and their families by volunteering with Agape!

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“Love never fails”

We Can Help!
If you're experiencing a crisis pregnancy, call or text 480.823.3002 for help.
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