Our Team

Doug and Leslie Reprogle
Douglas Reprogle and Leslie Reprogle (MBA, LAC) founded Agape Adoption Agency of Arizona, Inc. in 2005, after Leslie returned from a missions trip to Haiti with an intense desire to meet the needs of underserved children. Agape started with three families and has since served hundreds of foster and adoptive families and placed more than 1,000 foster and adopted children.
The Reprogles are proud parents to two biological and two adopted children.
board of directors
Agape’s Board of Directors oversees the agency’s operations and helps the agency prepare for long term growth and success. Board members include:
Janel White-Taylor, President
Leslie Reprogle, Secretary
James Rodriguez, Member
Kirk Jewell, Member
Douglas Reprogle, Member
Program Managers

Leslie Reprogle

Erica Grimes

Angel Long

Deena Roach
Private Adoption Program Manager

Lisa Resh
Private Adoptions Birth Parent Team Leader